Experience Augmented Reality

Enhance your world with interactive digital overlays that revolutionize how you learn, work, and engage
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AR overlays digital content onto the real world, enhancing your surroundings with interactive visuals. With just a smartphone or AR glasses, you can see and interact with virtual elements that transform how you perceive and engage with your environment
Set-up designed for Veza, Telkom Tech Summit 2022

How Does AR Work ?

AR uses sensors and algorithms to detect the real world and project digital information onto it. Devices like smartphones and AR glasses analyze the environment and seamlessly blend virtual elements with physical spaces, creating a unified experience.

How can AR help me ?

AR enhances learning, boosts engagement, and streamlines workflows. From interactive training modules and virtual product demos to real-time data visualization and immersive marketing campaigns, AR solutions open new possibilities.

Explore Our Augmented Reality Solutions

Discover how our tailored AR solutions can elevate your business

Augmented Reality app development

We build state-of-the-art marker-based and location-based AR applications for iOS, Android, and smart glasses leveraging GPS data, custom markers, and visual SLAM inputs.

Mixed Reality software development

We deliver turnkey MR solutions covering all stages of a project, from concept development to solution launch and support.

Dedicated AR Developers

Our specialists participate in AR/VR projects of varying complexity and refine their skills in accordance with the development of technologies and market trends.

AR Consulting

We offer suggestions and direction for projects of varying complexities and can even refer you to niche specialists

Support and maintenance

We help improve your services, optimize maintenance costs, and expand application’s features.

AR Product Retail

We retail and distribute AR technology of all sorts, from mixed reality headsets to smart glasses. Click on the “Our Stores” tab to learn more.

Our AR tech stack

Our expertise spans across top-tier headsets and cutting-edge design technologies ensuring immersive and engaging experiences
We build for
AR Glasses
We build with

Frequently asked questions about AR

if you have more questions ?
Get in touch

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is any technology that allows a user to project virtual objects onto real space.

What is the best platform for building AR apps?

There are multiple platforms for building AR apps, each with their tradeoffs. Web AR is the most accessible because it works with browsers, however you won’t get the level of control built-in AR (AR Glasses ) offers.

What is the difference between AR, VR, MR and XR?

Augmented Reality (AR) projects virtual objects onto real space. Virtual Reality (VR) is a fully immersive virtual environment, the user enters a digital environment.

Mixed Reality (MR) is similar to Augmented Reality but the difference is that MR allows you interact with virtual objects whereas with AR you can only view the objects

What are the hardware and software requirements for using AR services?

To use AR services, consumers typically need a smartphone or tablet with a camera, sufficient processing power, and graphical capabilities. Most modern devices meet these criteria. AR smart glasses and MR headsets are also designed to run AR apps.

On the software side, AR applications can be standalone apps or web-based solutions that run on standard web browsers without the need for additional downloads, making AR accessible to a wide audience.

How do AR  enhance customer experience in e-commerce and retail?

AR services significantly enhance customer experience in e-commerce and retail by offering immersive, interactive shopping experiences. Customers can visualize products in their own space, like seeing how a piece of furniture looks in their living room or how a clothing item fits.

This visualization aids in making more informed purchasing decisions, increasing satisfaction and reducing return rates.

What are the primary benefits of implementing AR services for businesses?

Implementing AR services offers businesses several benefits, including increased engagement, higher conversion rates, and enhanced customer satisfaction. AR can make shopping experiences more interactive and fun, help in product visualization, provide detailed product information, and enable virtual try-ons.

These capabilities can differentiate a brand, lead to more informed consumer choices, and foster a stronger connection between the consumer and the product.

Can AR services be integrated into existing digital platforms, and how?

Yes, AR services can be integrated into existing digital platforms through SDKs (Software Development Kits) and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) provided by AR technology providers.

This integration allows businesses to add AR features directly into their websites, mobile apps, or social media platforms, offering seamless experiences for users to engage with AR content without leaving the application or platform they are on.
These capabilities can differentiate a brand, lead to more informed consumer choices, and foster a stronger connection between the consumer and the product.

✨ Our success stories ✨

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Join over 12 South African retailers, such as ORMS and Kameraz, in distributing top XR products.

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Marketing Support

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